Cancer World Newsletter - Jim Watson: DNA revealed the causes, it may never reveal a cure Print
Sixty years after his epochal co-discovery of the double helix structure of DNA, Jim Watson, the
surviving member of the Watson and Crick duo, tells Cancer World why he doubts that targeting the
genetic mutations that drive cancers will ever lead to the breakthrough treatments we need, and
why he is calling on the cancer community to be more open-minded towards alternative strategies
that he thinks could yield dividends within the next five to ten years.

What do you think?
•    Are we betting too heavily on targeted therapies, given their poor track record to date?
•    Are we failing to follow up a growing body of evidence that suggests changes in the metabolism
     of stressed cells could be an Achilles heel common to all cancer cells, no matter how mutated?

 You can read the article here. Press the comment button at the end and share your views.