Cancer World Newsletter - Refusing treatment Print
Doctors want to do the best for all their patients. But what can they do if a patient says no to a treatment that could make a difference to their chances of being cured? This Focus article reflects on conversations with people often referred to as “difficult” or “non-compliant” patients. It argues that, hard though it is to accept a refusal to follow evidence-based medical advice where lives are at stake, doctors who make an effort to listen and understand what their patient is saying – and are willing to respect whatever decision they take – will be more likely to be given a fair hearing by patients.

What do you think?

  • Have you ever worked with a patient who refuses some or all or key treatment recommendations?
  • Do you find it hard to discuss treatment options with patients whose decisions are heavily influenced by factors outside of the medical evidence?
  • How do you handle these sorts of consultations?
 You can read the article here. Press the comment button at the end and share your views.