Cancer World Newsletter - Spotlight on: What did we learn from the European Partnership for Action Against Cancer? PDF Print E-mail
As the European Comprehensive Cancer Control Joint Action (CANCON) gets underway, this Spotlight article takes a close look at its predecessor, EPAAC. Did EPAAC deliver on its aim of helping EU member states improve the way they organise and deliver cancer prevention, screening and care? What are the implications for collaborating over cancer in the future?

What do you think?

  • Were you aware of, or involved in, EPAAC projects in your own area of work?
  • If so, did you feel collaborating across member states added value?
  • How can member states best share experiences and learn from one another when health systems vary so widely across Europe?
  • Is it valuable to be able to compare the effectiveness and efficiency of national cancer services?
  • If so, why shouldn’t this sort of work be supported by a standing body rather than a series of short-term projects?
You can read the article here. Press the comment button at the end and share your views.